Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Twisted response to Tsunami from TBN

They call themselves TBN-the Trinity Broadcasting Network-and they've managed to take over one of my channels on the cable network with an apocolyptic message that's preaching doom and gloom at every turn. Their message? The tsunami hit the beaches of Phuket, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka because these are lands "ripe with sin." As the mustachioed fellow's voice preaches a last days testimony to the world and looks for signs that the end of the world is near, the camera turns to shots of foreign tourists in Phuket, carrying away bodies. How convenient when a massive tsunami kills thousands of Muslims in a non-U.S. economic sphere of the world. My letter to their comments section reads as follows:

Dear Sir:

How dare you sit in your studio with pictures of the death and devastation calling the earthquakes that leveled villages, killed thousands of children, and tore apart families an area "ripe with sin." It speaks to your tremendous ignorance of the world outside your bible-preaching ways that you could take this terrible tragedy and use it to spread your proselytizing and moralizing upon the rest of the world. This is a sick and debased message--it is not the message of Christ that you spread, but the message of the diabolical. Rethink, because you are wrong.



Asian Tsunami

In 2003, just as the American troops were storming into Bagdhad, I rested peacefully on the beaches of Phuket and Phi Phi Islands, just off the southern coast of Thailand. Little did I know at the time and little did the villagers know that their worldly paradise at the end of 2004 would be wrought with destruction. Sad to think of it but we live on a precarious position as fragile humans suceptible to earth's destructive nature. so many people died in this terrible event that we cannot help but think that their history will be changed forever.