Monday, July 27, 2009

Looks like it will be at least until Aug. 9 before I leave. Nice to have the extra week, just crossing my fingers that the delay in my visa processing is not due to some legal difficulties I had in Japan or U.S.
Hard to explain the drink. I'm not a bad person, but sometimes do stupid things like driving drunk from Bend to Redmond or staying out drunk in Japan.
I have to say, I like the beer. It's hard to give it up completely, but I've managed pretty well the last month or so.
The question is, can I give it up in the Middle East? That's the challenge. Stay out of prison, as Dave my diversion coordinator said upon my completion of the program. Don't get decapitated, my brother had engraved on my new Ipod Nano.
It's interesting, having a second alcohol-related arrest (albeit six years and two continents apart) changes things a bit for me. Now, I'm on the edge a bit to where it has started to affect my professional life. Until I get my plane ticket, I will be a bit nervous.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

In just a week, I could be going to the Middle East.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

How do you make God laugh? You make plans.
Brandy Philip, quoting some existential theorist.

Thanks Brandy!

Thursday, July 02, 2009