Saturday, May 22, 2004

First posting-Why Blog? 30th birthday and other matters

'A blog is just one's thoughts written daily into a public forum' But, who's gonna read this stuff anyway? I thought to myself as I surmised the first line of my new blog. Hey, I can do this. I've written a journal most of my life, but as I've grown more accustomed to the digital world and less inclined towards pen and paper, I figured that writing a blog would be a better use of time than surfing the net and reading other people's blogs. It's the practical, but also soul-saving, thing to do. Also, it's my 30th birthday today, and to ensure my life's adventures are recorded for, nothing that serious.

There's something about turning thirty that I haven't felt at other birthdays, maybe expectations are increasing and i know that i cannot sit around and be lazy. As my 35 year-old not so much older brother, writer, and fellow Mariner supporter said to me, 'you've gotta use every minute of the day Jeff' and I responded with the usual twenties era defensiveness. But, he's right. Soon, it's gonna happen-I will reach the half-way point of this life's journey (about 35 by Dante's standards)translated into modern English as the 'productive years of my life' and I wanna be ready.

It's kind of my baby, because while anyone can and will become a parent, it's the same with blogging...anyone can and will start a blog. I just want to do it well and maybe someday get noticed. No, I don't expect any awards like 'Blogger of the Year' or any crap like that. What parent rears his child with expectations for others to congratulate him on a 'job well done?' It's a pretty thankless job, but then again, so are most jobs of any value in our society.

So, please be patient Dear Reader, as I develop my style and confidence on this forum. I promise to pursue quality of writing above all and work towards improvement every day if possible. Of course, your happiness and occasional acknowledgement of my work, whether it be critical, praising, or suggestive does matter to me and I would like to hear your comments. Please feel free to drop me a line when you feel so inclined. Thanks. Jeff

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