Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Just one more day until the Iowa caucuses, and I'm wondering if the candidate has already been designated. I like John Edwards and Barack Obama. I am anti-Hillary. The Republicans make me sick. I almost wish we could dissolve the Republican party and have a national election for President between the Democratic candidates. I would not be so nervous about it.

Mitt Romney is so diabolically manufactured and trying to be Reagan, it makes me sick!

I used to sorta like Huckabee, but c'mon, the guy believes in Evolution! That God created man and woman came from man's rib.

Barack Obama is my number one, but I fear that Americans won't vote for him.... I could be wrong. Edwards I have always thought was a phony, but he's starting to appeal to me. Hillary is just plain evil, and her husband is not much better.

Who would do best for the country? Probably Hillary, because we need someone who's not going to take shit from nobody. I kinda think the others might. So I'm conflicted obviously. I'm not ready to vote yet, and neither is America until we know these people a little bit more.

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